We're back! Did you miss me? We had such a lovely time, which just whizzed by. There were a few stressy moments, mostly involving map reading and road sign spotting.....
The problem I suppose, is partly due to the fact that I speak French, and The Partner doesn't (although he does systematically practise his "Hon Hee Hon Hee Haw"'s and his "Mange Tout, Rodney, Mange Tout"'s EVERY time we visit France. Loudly. You can only begin to imagine the shame.....) So, as I drove around the 1,400 miles of France that we covered, I explained that if he could just say the names of the various villages, as they looked, I'd work out what sign it was that we were looking for. Simple. Or not. Convinced that he had become fluent during his sleep, The Partner insisted on using a Sasha Distell accent (Google to the rescue for my younger friends!) , adding vowels and consonants willy-nilly, to his hearts desire. Therefore, "Hautot-sur-Mer" became "Hoseeneeriair-su-Murree", "Criel-sur-Mer" became "Crowtt-su-Monneeair". I kid you not. I could go on. But I won't-you've got the gist!
Instead I'll show you the view from our tent door...
Pretty, don't you think?
We had sunshine....
and culture.....
This is the Cathedral at Rouen, and was very truly breathtaking. Needless to say, there was not much time for sewing. Or reading of magazines. But a good time was had by all. And The Shorts got an outing or two....
I shall love you, and leave you now. Thanks for visiting. See you very soon....
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