Friday, 23 November 2012

I can Still Learn A Thing or Two....

Well...two is probably pushing it.....but I can still learn a thing! After avidly watching Kirstie Allsopp's Vintage Homemade last night (sorry addiction!), look what I did this morning.....

Ms Allsopp demonstrated how to make these pretty lotus flower napkins, to add to table place settings. I was smitten! And she must have been a good teacher, because I only watched it the once!
In other news, I've finished the commissioned Christmas Runner and matching napkins (no lotus flowers this time), and safely delivered them to one happy lady. I was quite pleased with them, and really happy that I'd added a bunting style edge to the runner. I most firmly believe that bunting is the key ingredient for any celebration!

And so now onto the next Christmas order...Thank goodness there's still a month to go!!
Have a lovely (if somewhat soggy) weekend. xx

Wednesday, 21 November 2012

Ooo's and Aaah's....

In these days of much stitching, I have discovered something about myself. Possibly not a very nice something.....I like praise!
Normally, when I'm working on some needlework, I'll take it into work with me and show it to my friends there. Normally, they'll ooo and aaah a little bit (I have them well trained),and then I can continue with the stitching, safe in the knowledge that I'm probably on the right track.
However, at the moment, I'm on sick-leave, recuperating after The Operation, so can't reach my support team, and all I have to rely on is The Partner.
Hmmm..... Now.....I adore the man. I truly, truly do. He has enriched my life in so many ways, BUT he has a singular lack of enthusiasm in The Ooo and Aaah Department, as I'm fast discovering in these days of stitching, stitching, stitching.....
Today, I was working on hand quilting my runner for the Christmas Runner Swap, and it was a case of one step forward, and three back. I'd unpicked the stitching from a snowflake twice already..... fingers were sore, and I was fed up. I shared this with The Partner.....Nothing. No reaction. Not a murmur.....
There's something not right somewhere, when he can wax lyrical for HOURS over various football skills, (he can also wax lyrical for HOURS over sci-fi mumbo jumbo, but I'll save that for another day!) and I pay attention, discussing a few minor points with him (I EVEN understand the rudimentaries of the off-side rule, for goodness sake!), yet I try to explain a couple of needlework hiccups, and his eyes glaze over and he becomes mute....Hmmmm........
So, a little while later, I'd turned a corner,and I was much happier with the way things were going, and thought I'd share with him again.
Now. Bearing in mind I'd had a bit of a pop about him not getting enthusistic enough, when dealing with MY version of a foul, you'd have thought that the proverbial penny had dropped, and I was in for some SERIOUS enthusiasm. Not a word of it! I'm not even sure I was anything more than white noise humming away in the background. This man needs some serious education......
And while I'm dealing with that, I'll leave you with this......

Please remember to "Ooo" and "Aaah" in all the right places....I'm feeling deprived!

Thanks for looking in on me. See you soon. xx

Monday, 19 November 2012

Bravery Personified!

The Dressing is off! (What?? You didn't think you WOULDN'T be getting a blow by blow account of my post operation state, did you?? Unlucky!!) And I can report that I didn't faint (!!!) and that the scar is about 1.5" long. Yuk-a-dee-doo-dah.
Other than that, nothing really to report....I DID witness The Partner do a spot (and I mean A SPOT) of hoovering today, for which I thanked him profusely.....praise the positive, ignore the negative! And obviously, I'm sewing my little heart out.
A Christmas order that I've been working on, is almost finished, as is my Christmas Runner 2012 Swap. I'm just about to start on the hand quilting....

...and I chose this fabric for the backing.....

I have to say that I'm thoroughly enjoying the whole Swap experience, and would most definitely love to do another. Part of the process is showing your progress (and watching others) on Flickr, and it's been fun watching various works take shape. The idea is that you post comments on others' work -and they post on yours-and little by little, you can work out what your partner would like, and also leave clues as to what you like, for the person who is making for you. (Remember-you know who is going to get your runner, but they don't know that you're making for them, and nor do you know who is making for you. It's a bit like a Secret Santa.) So, now I'm almost finished, with the posting date set for the 30th November, and am just a little butterfly-ie over whether my Swap Partner will like it or not.......that, or it's The Scar playing up!!
See you soon. xx

Saturday, 17 November 2012


Well, just goodness knows how anyone ever copes with major surgery! They all deserve medals!! I'm taking things VERY gently.....and still being a complete and UTTER wuss! My tummy is SSSOOOO sore. And tomorrow I'm supposed to take the dressing off. I can feel a lie down in a darkened room coming on!!
But I have been spoilt rotten by my friends.......

and this was once a rather yummy lasagne....

....not to mention more chocolate than you could shake a stick at! (No photo of those, I'm afraid....empty wrappers and boxes just aren't that photogenic!!)
And because my feebleness means I'm not really leaving the house much, I'm catching up on some needlework. Hooray! I've even finally made a start on my Christmas Runner Swap......

.....Double Hooray! Unless my Swap-Partner doesn't like them....then I'm in trouble. Can feel another lie-down coming on........
Thank you so very much, to all my friends (yes, PLURAL!) for all your kindnesses. You know who you are.

Thursday, 15 November 2012

All Done!

I made it!! I lived to tell the tale!! Needless to say, this being me, yesterday was not without it's hiccups....
Firstly, there was this attractive new look to deal with...

....with the close up not looking much better....

I mean, REALLY??? Hospital gown, The Partner's dressing gown and surgical socks are never going to make one feel one's most attractive!! And then in toddled the surgeon, with Hiccup Number 1.......
He asked to examine my hernia, looked at it this way and that......and then announced that I had TWO! After a bit of discussion, it was decided that he would repair both while he was it. Oh good. The Partner remained relaxed throughout all of this........                                                                                           

And then the nurse came to collect me for surgery. GULP! GULP! GULP!
The next thing I knew, someone was insisting I woke up. And then insisted I actually kept my eyes open! How rude! It was as bad as being at the cinema with The Partner! He takes a dim view of me sleeping there, too!!
So, back to my room, feeling MUCH relieved, if a bit sore. All went swimmingly. A lovely lady brought me a ham sandwich and lovely cuppa. Yum. Nurses came and went, checking on me, and all was fine. Then it was time to get me up and dressed, and make sure that I could answer a call of nature. Again, all was fine....
Then came Hiccup Number 2...
The Nurse said she'd just remove the line from my hand, and I could leave. Now. I've never hidden my squeamishness from anyone. I'd regaled this particular Nurse with all manner of squeamish anecdotes. Obviously all this had fallen on deaf ears. Out came the line....And down went I....The Porter was postponed.....And The Partner started to twitch.....
Fear not, my friends, The Partner had not suddenly jumped out of character. No, no, no. Let me reassure you. He was merely becoming most concerned that the Sweden v England kick off was fast approaching, with no sign of a departure from hospital!
So, like the considerate person I am, I pulled myself together, The Porter was recalled, and we made it home...just in time! Phew...
And so now, although still sore and fragile, I have a minimum of two weeks ahead of me, with nothing on the agenda except sewing. Bliss.
Thanks for looking in on me. See you soon. xx

Tuesday, 13 November 2012

The Butterflies Are Stampeding......

Oh. My. Goodness. Just one more sleep, and every time I think about it, my tummy lurches, wakes up the butterflies, and off they race again, all Harum-Scarum. And believe you me, I'm Scarummed enough, all on my own, without pesky butterflies thrown into the mix.
I ABSOLUTELY understand, in the broad light of day, that, in the great scheme of things, a small hernia repair is no big deal......but I am, after all, The Girl Who Passed Out When The Chiropodist Put Too Much Cream On A Verrucah......In my defence, she did use a SCALPEL to scrape off the excess.
Well, I can't think straight enough to be able to add anything of interest, so perhaps best if I sign off now.
Thank you so much for popping by. I'll see you soon......Hopefully.....xx

Monday, 12 November 2012

Only two more sleeps......

Yes...only two more sleeps until my hernia repair, and as predicted, nothing is ready! There is no food cooked, ready and waiting in the freezer, the housework hasn't been done, the beds haven't been changed......And yet,I have been doing my Headless Chicken Impression for quite a few days now.Promise.
I've decided that I have the very rare talent (rare in females, at any rate!) of being able to busily do nothing. It's like that old song I once saw performed at the end of Cleethorpes pier, during a dance festival (I lead an exciting life!).."I'm busily doing nothing, working the whole day through, trying to find lots of things not to do.....". I can't remember any more...only an idea that they were wearing bumble bee costumes. The mind is now boggling....
BUT....I have made some progress....Christmas gifts are under way...

....Christmas orders are being filled..... all is not lost!
Thanks for popping by. See you soon. xx

Wednesday, 7 November 2012


Well! The date has been set. The pre-op has been done. This time next week, I shall be in hospital!! GULP!!! I've never had an operation before, and am ever so slightly nervous...
I'm thinking of writing letters to my nearest and dearest, in case I don't make it back from this latest adventure.....a little melodramatic????? I don't think so. I am, after all, the girl who passed out when ears were pierced....the same girl who passed out (20 minutes...with convulsions!) when a TENS machine was used on her dodgy knee during physio.....the same girl who threw up because "Casualty" on The Beeb was a little gory.....Need I say more?
I'm trying to concentrate on the positive. Apparently, I'll need a minimum of two weeks off work. Two weeks of extra sewing time! Just in the run up to Christmas! Yay!! And equally positive, I must not lift, or do anything strenuous for six weeks. I'm absolutely certain that The Consultant meant hoovering when he said that. And making the beds. And anything else remotely houseworky and tedious..... Ho Hum....
So this next week will be spent in: A) strict denial and B) trying to get everything in order, and the freezer stocked......Watch this space....You'll discover I'm excellent at A), and complete pants at B)....
See you soon. xx

Monday, 5 November 2012

I'm Back!

Here I am! Did you miss me? Polite answers only, on a postcard, please!
So.....The Campervan Holiday.... Perfect, just perfect! I'm totally smitten (I always suspected I would I KNOW!!)
This is our first cup of tea, just 5 minutes after we arrived at the campsite...

....and this is what our  Four-Wheeled-Abode looked like, as I made my way back from the shower block.....

Who could ask for anything toastier or cosier?? And even The Partner, who has been known to err on the slightly grumpy side, when it comes to anything remotely tight on space, had to admit that it was more comfortable than expected! Praise indeed!
And would you just look at these...

....nothing to do with The Camper, but as cute as old billy-o, don't you think? I found them in "NEXT", and they cost £12 for one of each. Hmmmm.....What are the chances of me being able to sneak them past The Partner, and settle them into a little corner chez nous?....You're right, of course.....a big fat billy-zero!
Great to see you again. Thanks for popping by. xx