Thursday, 15 November 2012

All Done!

I made it!! I lived to tell the tale!! Needless to say, this being me, yesterday was not without it's hiccups....
Firstly, there was this attractive new look to deal with...

....with the close up not looking much better....

I mean, REALLY??? Hospital gown, The Partner's dressing gown and surgical socks are never going to make one feel one's most attractive!! And then in toddled the surgeon, with Hiccup Number 1.......
He asked to examine my hernia, looked at it this way and that......and then announced that I had TWO! After a bit of discussion, it was decided that he would repair both while he was it. Oh good. The Partner remained relaxed throughout all of this........                                                                                           

And then the nurse came to collect me for surgery. GULP! GULP! GULP!
The next thing I knew, someone was insisting I woke up. And then insisted I actually kept my eyes open! How rude! It was as bad as being at the cinema with The Partner! He takes a dim view of me sleeping there, too!!
So, back to my room, feeling MUCH relieved, if a bit sore. All went swimmingly. A lovely lady brought me a ham sandwich and lovely cuppa. Yum. Nurses came and went, checking on me, and all was fine. Then it was time to get me up and dressed, and make sure that I could answer a call of nature. Again, all was fine....
Then came Hiccup Number 2...
The Nurse said she'd just remove the line from my hand, and I could leave. Now. I've never hidden my squeamishness from anyone. I'd regaled this particular Nurse with all manner of squeamish anecdotes. Obviously all this had fallen on deaf ears. Out came the line....And down went I....The Porter was postponed.....And The Partner started to twitch.....
Fear not, my friends, The Partner had not suddenly jumped out of character. No, no, no. Let me reassure you. He was merely becoming most concerned that the Sweden v England kick off was fast approaching, with no sign of a departure from hospital!
So, like the considerate person I am, I pulled myself together, The Porter was recalled, and we made it home...just in time! Phew...
And so now, although still sore and fragile, I have a minimum of two weeks ahead of me, with nothing on the agenda except sewing. Bliss.
Thanks for looking in on me. See you soon. xx

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