Friday, 25 October 2013

My...Doesn't Time Fly??

Not necessarily because I've been having fun.......more to do with my excellent impersonations of The Headless Chicken. I promise you, one of these days I'm going to open my front door, only to find myself walking back through it!
In a previous life, when I lived in France and Daughters Nos. 1 and 2 were still at that lovely age when the only opinion that mattered was mine, I was A Kept Woman. I ran the household and raised my children, meals were cooked from scratch, laundry baskets were empty. I even had a social life. I EVEN, on occasion, had time (lower your voice here, please) to feel an eensy weensy bit bored.
Hit the Fast Forward button for a decade or so, slowing down to have The Son, speeding back up past The Divorce, and believe you me, there is not a spare nanno-second in my day to have so much as a fleeting glimpse of boredom. I dream of days where I'll have the time to peruse patterns to my hearts delight.....However, as I'm a reasonably realistic sort of person, I DO realise that that day will, one day, be mine.......The fact that I'll be 93, blind as a bat and unable to hold a needle has very little to do with it!
I'm aware that I'm wittering. I'm also aware that you, too are very busy, so I'll show you what I have managed to do over the last 2 weeks........

I know that the photo quality is pretty poor (camera is doing that odd blue spot thing in the middle of the image again) but I have got 16 of them. Wonky Star blocks, not poor quality photos. Though if you add up all my poor photos over previous blog posts, I'd probably have 16 of those too.
And now I'm going to leave you, and desperately try to find some more sewing time to squeeze in between now and Christmas....any ideas anyone?? xx


  1. If I knew the secret to finding more sewing time I'd be a millionaire by now!! Jxo

  2. Life is so busy, I have things on my to do list that are faded with time!

  3. Ha ha, Kirsty, I'm so glad it's not just my life that's chaotic!! I love the Wonky Stars, maybe you're drawing me towards patchwork...!!
