.....but I'm NOT in a terrible fix; I always say come on, let's sew, and I would not want to say "nix"! A bit of poetic license there, with words from "Oklahoma!"....but what's a girl to do, when yet ANOTHER Saturday is dominated by football?
Training for The Son, in the morning, was followed by a trip to Sports Direct, for new football boots (I'm seriously thinking of binding The Son's feet, to stop them growing so fast) and for those of you who've not ventured into a Sports Direct shop yet....DON'T! It makes very little difference which branch you visit, They are all crowded with shelves, to the point that circulation within is nigh on impossible, and filled with staff, all of whom are busy with OTHER clients.....nightmare!
However, the branch that we were due to visit, just HAPPENS to find itself sitting next door to a Fabricland. Yay. It would have been rude not to pop in, just for a browse, while The Husband and The Son were bonding over studs. So browse I did.
Now, my family is full of little sayings....I was brought up on them, and can probably think of one for most situations. One of those sayings was "don't look, because looking leads to touching". It should probably have gone on to say "and then you'll end up buying, as you have NO willpower in a fabric shop"........
I rest my case. In my defence, there are not many places where you can buy quality, 100% cotton fabric, for just £3.69 a metre. Six lots of 25cms, WOF pieces for just £11....with a bit more thrown in, as it was the end of the bolt......As I said, "I'm just a girl who can't say no".....
In other news, how is this for inventiveness? As you'll probably be aware, the south coast of England has been well and truly hit by some real hoolies recently...yet The Dog still needs to go for walks......
.....so this is me....all kitted out in waterproof coat, wellies...and bin-liners. Certainly a look, not destined for the catwalks of the world.....just wet dog walks. Ha. Ha.
I shall love you and leave you, as for once it's not raining, and I can walk said dog without my latest fashion statements. Thanks for popping by. xx
No that's dedicated dog walking! Love your new purchases. Jxo