Sunday, 23 March 2014

He Was Snoring, Your Honour.....

....This is going to be my defence when I'm hauled into court, for manslaughter. The Husband, over the years, has developed the singular talent of being able to snore IN ANY POSITION. There was a time, when I'd be able to roll him (oh so gently, and lovingly, of course. Hmmmm.) onto his side, the snoring would stop and I'd be able to sleep again. I used to be so proud of my own particular talent, of being able to sleep the sleep of the dead.....but not any more. Oh how the mighty have fallen......All week, last week, the week before and probably next week too, I've been woken up SEVERAL times during the course of the night, by a sound that can only be described as a walrus garrotting session. I imagine. The sound is phenomenal. Our bedroom windows rattle. The neighbour's windows, three doors down, rattle. I need to sleep. So, if I finally crack, and smother The Snoring One with his own pillow, I shall plead manslaughter in self defence (of my sanity). In which case, you'll all have to delete this post....or they might say it was pre-meditated!!
Before you hit the delete button though, here are a few catch-up photos of what I've been working on recently. I bought a Moda Scrap Bag in a sale, and there was more that half a Jelly Roll in it. Yay. So a bit of cutting gave me this.....

A little trimming of the leftovers gave me this.....

Which, in turn, followed through to this.....

Those HST's measure less than an inch square, and I'm so proud that all the seams fell into place perfectly, and that I didn't lose a single point. Double yay! The Husband (on reprieve, for the moment, from being smothered) cannot fathom why anyone would spend so long, on anything destined to be no more than a glorified coaster. What would he know?? The colours are completely foreign to me (though I do love blues) and I only used them together because they came as a package, so I thought "why not?"....but I truly love them.
So much so, that I now have this......

Never has a quilt top come together so quickly and easily for me. No seams to match....just strip sewing. It now speaks to me (The Husband now has serious concerns over my mental stability. He has not taken into account SEVERE sleep deprivation.) of farmer's fields....I think it's the sky blues and earthy I'm now working on a sort of corn wreath design, appliqued onto it. Time will tell.....
Well, I have to love you and leave you now, as today is A Big And Important Day. The Son is playing in the Under 10's Final of The Dorset League Cup. I believe medals are involved. We must prepare..... xx

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