Thursday, 26 June 2014

Market Research.....

.....After rigorous testing, I can finally conclude that Crocs can NOT replace wellies. After having had to jump into a ditch this evening, in order to retrieve my Wayward And Very Disobedient Dog, who had pushed through a hedge and onto a road, I feel I am well placed to warn the World at Large, about the singular lack of wellie properties to be found in a pair of Crocs.
Photographic evidence will help illustrate my point (and I apologise now....there are reasons that I don't normally get my feet out in public.). The squeamish should look away now.

I rest my case.
See you soon, off for a shower now. xx

Monday, 23 June 2014

Breaking The Silence...

I'M HERE!!! LOOK....I'm back!! Did you notice how quiet things had been??
It feels like FOREVER since my last post, and Sad Muppet that I am, I've missed this little blog of mine. My "radio silence" was partly due to the fact that I had nothing new to show you. I was DESPERATELY trying to finish a commissioned quilt, and as I was quilting by hand, it was taking a long time. I could have worked on something else, quickly, to show you, but knowing me as well as I do, I knew that if I put down the commissioned work, before finishing, the 2 year old recipient would most likely be celebrating her 21st and getting keys to doors before seeing the quilt that had been meant for her all along.
The other AND MOST FRUSTRATING reason is that my phone had to go away, for a short stay in the Vodafone Hospital. I use my phone's camera to take the piccies for this blog, as it had always got on nicely with my laptop. The saying "absence makes the heart grow stronger" is not applicable for Bluetooth Devices. I know this for a fact. I finished aforementioned quilt (loud hoorays)waited patiently for my phone's recovery, took the much needed photos, tried to send them over to the laptop...and nothing. Nada. Rien. Even rien de rien, if Edith Piaf had anything to say on the matter. I sulked. I tried opening a few programmes. I tried looking knowledgeably at whatever gobble-de-gook the screen showed me. I shouted. I turned the laptop off. I turned the phone off. I sulked some more. All to no avail. Laptop and phone were no longer playing ball. "Connection failed" was all they could muster. Finally tonight I had a brainwave......perhaps I could divorce the duelling pair, remove all traces of one from the other's memory, then re-install my phone as a "New Device".....Long story worked. HALELLUJAH! Just goes to show that a computer is only as intelligent as the idiot working it. Hmmm....
So without further ado, here is the finished quilt....

It has been safely delivered and all is well with the world.
In other news, I shop-sat for my friend on Saturday. My friend owns a fabric shop, . I didn't need asking twice. I LOVED IT! Five hours of sitting, surrounded by glorious fabric, meeting (and chatting to) like minded customers, cups of tea and needlework in the lulls....I was one happy bunny. I had these two blocks (hand pieced, hand appliqued) to show for my time....

I seriously considered barricading myself in, and claiming Squatter's Rights! Oh well....a girl can dream.
Right. That's me done now. Time for a cuppa and a quiet contemplation of my next project. See you soon. xx