Tuesday, 29 January 2013

One Down....Nineteen To Go.....

Yes, it's been a week since my tearful goodbyes to Daughter No 2, as she jetted off to new adventures in Chicago, and you'll be pleased to hear that I have at least stopped wallowing! I obviously miss her like billy-o, but we've managed a couple of Skype sessions, and I can see that she's just fine, which means I can relax. A little. And continue the countdown for the remaining nineteen weeks.....
So. What's new in my little world?? Not a lot, I'm afraid. A while ago, I bought (amongst other bits and pieces) a charm pack of lemony-neutral-unisex fabrics. I bought them, because I felt my work was all a bit same-y (either pink and flowery or red, white and blue bold), and that the lemons and greens would make a nice change.
I now know why I haven't been drawn to this colourway before. I find it completely uninspirational. That pack, pretty enough in it's own way, has sat for weeks, if not quite months, while I look at it and fiddle with it. Nothing. Nada. Not a single eureka moment. Normally, when I feel like this about fabric, it gets consigned to storage, perhaps being picked at over time, perhaps being forgotten.
But not this flippin pack. It's a bit like a sore tooth that you keep worrying at with your tongue, just to see if it's still sore.....I open up the pack, fiddle around a bit, discover I'm STILL not keen on it, and pop it away again.
 This weekend, I was DETERMINED to do something (ANYTHING!) with it, just so as not to admit defeat. This is what I achieved......

.....I've got 16 of these little blocks........and have come to a standstill. Once more.
Do I add a border to each block, before piecing? Do I just piece them together, using a basket weave process? Do I cut them into strips and make a scrappy quilt, with the smallest squares I've ever seen?? (Which may send me Doo-Lally.........all those seams to match!) Polite answers only on a postcard, please!
(My guess would be, wait a bit before finding the bottom of a storage bucket....)
On a happier note....only 5 more sleeps til my HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! Yippee! Those of you who know me well, will know that this particular countdown has been going on a while, and that I'm RIDICULOUSLY enthusiastic about ALL my Happy Birthdays. I shall save the explaination as to why, for those uninitiated amongst you, until nearer the happy date.
See you soon! xx

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