Monday, 7 January 2013

Seeing Stars

I've joined a BOM! On a blog that I follow, the Blogger was advertising another Blogger, "Don't Call Me Betsy", saying that she was hosting a BOM. Intrigued, I popped along to take a peek....
It turned out, that for a very small fee, "Don't Call Me Betsy" would send me a pattern, every month, over the period of one year, with all the necessary directions on how to complete a different star. The details said that the stars would be paper pieced, and I assumed that meant the English method of patchworking, that I originally learnt many moons ago. I paid my £7 fee, and duly signed up to the corresponding Flickr group.
Within a day, my first pattern and directions arrived on a PDF file. Oh dear. Those who know me well, will understand that I'm very un-au-fait with anything other than letters that arrive in the post. I nearly fell at the first hurdle.
However, I faced my fears (sssooo very brave!) and not only did I download the said file, I also printed it off. (Used a bit of poetic license there...I got The Partner to print it off. I'm quite gifted in the Delegation Department.) Anyway, that's when the panic hit.
It wasn't the English paper method. No. It was a completely alien method, involving paper, sewing machine and stacking material on top of itself. I read it through a couple of times, and it may as well have been printed in Swahili, for all the sense it made to me.
So I did what I do best. Fetched my bucket of sand, and buried my head. (At this point, I should probably confess to the fact, that I didn't actually know what BOM stood for, and it took me until earlier this evening to work out that it's Block Of Month!) (Well... I think that's what it stands for......I'm still not entirely fluent in Modern Patchwork Speak.)
Anyway, not wanting to be considered A Giver Upperer, I decided to attack the flippin thing last night. I followed the directions to the letter, and do you know what? That "Don't Call Me Betsy" knows a thing or two! It actually worked! I chose to do work on the 6" block (there is a 12" variety) and learnt a fantastic new method......
And I'm so glad I did......

Well. I was going to show the photos of aforementioned star block, but for some unknown reason the darn computer isn't letting me upload the images. NOW do you see why I love paper and pen so much??


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