Wednesday, 25 July 2012

Such A Wonderful Day.....

Today really was just that...wonderful...It started with a shopping spree, here,

all thanks to the lovely, lovely parents at my Pre-School. It was SUCH fun to visit the new store in Bournemouth, with my friend and her daughters, having left Partner and Son at home for the morning. We went round and round the store, upstairs and downstairs. Then upstairs again....just because we could!! At one point, we contemplated moving in, taking up Squatters' Rights....after all, there were pretty armchairs, a washbasin, a table or two and even a bed. All delightflorally co-ordinated. What more could a girl need??
 As much as I adore the Partner and the Son, it was a little slice of heaven, to be able to take my not have to listen to endless "Are you finished yet.....can we go yet......I'm bored..." And that's just the Partner..... Thank you, THANK YOU to all my parents!
From Cath, we picked up lunch to take back to the Stay-at-Homers, and pinic-ed with them at my friend's house, before heading off to the beach for the afternoon. Here, things got a bit damp, as I got a bit carried away, helping my son gain a bit of confidence, swimming in the waves. The original plan had been to go in up to my knees. Best laid plans of mice, men and mother's.....A few large waves later and I'm completely soggy, right up to my chest. Fatal Flaw part-I was wearing my skirt and t-shirt...and nothing dry to change into, for the car journey home. Ho Hum...
Then, on arriving home, look what lovely Mr. Postman had left for me....

my order from Fabric Rehab! They sell packets of scraps for just £2.50. The photo shows 2 packs, and most of the pieces are quite large.                                                                                                           
My favourite ones are this one.....                                                                                                            

and this one.......

No idea what they're called...and obviously wouldn't use them together, but they made me smile, at the end of a very smiley day. Thank you, Sarah, Beckie and Cassy for sharing the smiles.....and special thanks to my Two Best Boys for letting me have some quiet Cath time......                                                                       

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