Can you believe it? First day of the holidays (I never think the weekend counts, as I get those off anyway!) and the sun is shining!!! And, best of all best things, I turned the alarm clock setting off on my phone!! I realise that I will still wake up at EXACTLY the same time anyway (I have three children and three dogs, for goodness sake!), but it just FEELS so much better, when the alarm isn't telling you "WAKE UP NOW"!!
The only cloud on the horizon, is my dentist appointment, at lunchtime. I'm sure he is a perfectly nice chap, outside his surgery, but I REALLY don't like him, or his apparatus, during surgery hours. I try to man-up, as I obviously don't want to pass my worries onto my children, but the cold sweats start as soon as I see that chair....
On a happier note, I decided to do some of these....
......small, fleecy blankets, hand finished with a pretty binding. They're big enough to use in a buggy, or just the right size for little "mummy's" to wrap their dolls in. Anyway, I was looking for a portable project to take away camping with me, next week, and as much as I love making my quilts, "portable" isn't the adjective that readily springs to mind, when describing them. These should be just right for popping into a corner, and all I'll need to take is my thimble, thread and needle. And scissors. And glasses.
We'll see. (Well, if I remember my glasses, we will.) My views as to what creates a perfect camping holiday (sitting with copious cups of tea, a stack of glossy magazines and plenty of needlework), differs somewhat to my partner and son's views (racing around chasing a football, racing around chasing a frisbee, racing around chasing waves....obviously, this last one can only be possible if there is a beach involved). You'll have noticed that I haven't mentioned my daughters' views on camping holidays. This is because, at 21 and 19, they only have views if there is running hot water, a king sized bed, and pretty hotel surroundings.....
Still, camping is a whole, lazy, get-up-late week away yet.....Plenty of time to catch up with friends, have a few (hundred) cuppas, do some proper sewing, start packing....
And on that note, I think the kettle has boiled....thanks for dropping by....see you soon......
I'm definately with the girls on the camping front!! Have fun anyway. X