Monday, 1 October 2012


After that title, you'll need to humour me, and read the rest of my ramblings in a whisper. It's okay to read it in your head, if you don't want those around you to think you're doo-lally. Just so long as you use a Whispering-in-Your-Head voice.
Hang on a minute, while I go and finish making my cup of tea-I'm fast heading from brewed (yum) to stewed (not so yum).......
Right, I'm back, and ever-so-slightly anxious about reaction from Daughter No1, when she gets in later. Her chocolate cake, that she left in the safe keeping of my fridge,seems to have shrunk.Quite considerably. Obviously, I've NEVER doubted the existance of Fridge Gremlins, but after she discovered a few MINOR discrepencies in tales of Father Christmas and the Tooth Fairy, she may take a little convincing about the Gremlins.....Hmmm....
But back to the title, and need of hushed tones...I'm alone!!! Daughter No1 is still out, Daughter No2 is (presumably) studying hard at Uni, and The Partner has just taken The Son to his football training. Complete with his new astro turfs. Time Off!
I know I usually get dragged along to the training, too, but tonight is my night off for Good Behaviour, and I get to go to the quilting group I joined. Hooray! And the bonus is, that I've got the place to myself for a couple of hours, before I get ready and go.
So much to, snooze, sew, flick through magazine, watch soppy DVD, have a cuppa....Can you even remember what you did before partners and children? Well, I've got just over an hour to do it all in!!
So, before I tiptoe off to do quiet things, I shall show you the Flying Geese Quilt that was finally hand finished over Downton Abbey, last night.....

There's a little bit of hand quilting in the middle row of triangles.....

This is the back (and I love the texture here).....

And I even remembered to sew in one of my new labels.....

All in all, what with the vintage blanket wadding adding extra weight and coziness, and the autumnal snuggly colours, I'm really pleased with the way this quilt has turned out.
I would "hooray" and "hallelujah" a bit, but I'm still in Whisper Mode. I'll content myself with a little Tiptoe-y Dance instead....
See you soon. xx

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