Monday, 24 December 2012

Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells......

It's still sssoooo exciting! Nearly 47 years old, and I still LOVE Christmas Eve! All those little rituals! We have a special key (we don't have a chimney) that only works for Father Christmas. It is The Son's job to hang that on the doorknob, just before he goes to bed. I'll have to hold my breath and say a little prayer, just in case this is the last year he wants to do it. That doesn't mean that he won't hang it up next year...just that it might be a Humouring Mother Moment, rather than a I Must Do This Moment!
Then there is the long debate as to what we're leaving for Father Christmas and Co, to snack on. Last year we plumped for apple juice and a cookie for The Man Himself, which was fine. But the bowl of oats for the reindeer was a Big Mistake. You wouldn't BELIEVE how much MESS those four-legged friends can make! I was hoovering up left-over oats for days! Think we'll stick to carrots this year...
And then there is "It's a Wonderful Life" to watch, which is The Law in my household, just before I play my traditional game of I Can't Remember Where I Put..... Such fun!
I've been asked to mention at this point in my blog, that The Partner is about to hoover. Please imagine drumrolls and fanfares, to your heart's content. I'm certainly making the most of this particular Partner Hoovering Moment, as Boxing Day will be the official end to the ban on me lifting heavy objects and doing heavy housework. I'm quietly and secretly amazed that there hasn't been some sort of Countdown Calendar going on, organised by The Partner! This will be his fourth Hoovering Session (always at my insistance!) which I suppose isn't TOO bad in six weeks.....(Please ignore the fact that I have children. And dogs. In the plural. For both.)
So, now I'm going to love you, and leave you, with the only two Christmas Pressie photos that are "safe"-I know their new owners don't follow my blog....
This one.....

.....I've used Janet Clare's fabulous book " Freya and Fred" to personalise a little friend's shop bought throw. You can (and should! SO worth a visit!) link to her here . I hope my little friend loves it as much as I do!

And this one..... a lap quilt, made with love for my Fairy Godmother.

I wish you all, all that you wish for yourselves. Merry Christmas! xx

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