I've just discovered that The Son's Carol Concert is tomorrow morning at 10am, and not at 1pm, as I'd originally thought. And I've got Plans. It's not like I haven't turned up to the 485 other Carol Concerts that he's been part of, this Festive Season. I even managed to get to The Official Christmas School Lunch today....And I'm not that keen on turkey! But apparently at THIS Carol Concert, The Son is The Cow. Wait a minute, while my mind boggles.....
And so The Guilt begins. What to do for the best??? Forego shopping plans, go cracker-less (and most of the food-less) on Christmas Day? Or miss The Cow's rendition in Carol Concert 486? Explain to me again, why mums, the world over, are given second, and even triple helpings of guilt, that comes into it's own, whenever there is even the merest whiff of LettingYour Child Down??? Why aren't the Brownie Points, that we've collected on other occasions, allowed to balance out the deficit when Life's Timetable gets a bit tricky?? Or better yet, why aren't mums just simply cloned the instant we become mums for the first time?? Goodness! Wouldn't that make life simpler? No need to organise extra time off work...just send The Clone! Need to be at three differnt places with three different children.....what a doddle...send The Clones.
I could be onto something here! I'll leave you now. I need to put in a few phonecalls to Medical Science..........xx
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