Friday, 14 September 2012

I'm still here!!

I am! Promise! It's just that it's been one of THOSE weeks (you all know the sort!). I'm desperately trying to finish my one remaining WIP, with a big, fat deadline looming fast.....You will get to see the photos-just that it'd be better if I finished first.
On top of that, I'm preparing for my patchwork workshop, which will be my first in my new venue....well I say "my" new's actually a friend's new shop, but it'll be the first time I do a workshop get the gist....
And I have to say, if there is one job I REALLY don't like (other than emptying the bins, emptying the dishwasher etc) it's cutting out fabric for patchwork! I use a rotary cutter, but am saving hard for an AccuQuilt. At the rate I'm saving, I should be able to treat myself for the year 2027!!
But the major crisis of the week, and the REAL reason why I've been so quiet on the blog front, is that The Faithful Laptop finally died. It has been poorly for quite a while now, but was bravely struggling on, amidst quite heated discussions between The Partner and me. However, on Tuesday evening it gasped it's last, and no amount of cable wiggling was going to persuade it otherwise.
So, I'm sitting typing this on quite a swish, spanking new, electric blue model. I have had to wrestle it from The Partner's protective grip, and stretch the umbilical cord over to this side of the table, and let me tell you, The Anxious Partner has been hoverring ever since. And as I can only type with two fingers, he is now having to practise his breathing control techniques.....You can only BEGIN to imagine....
I'd better go now, as, if I take much longer, there could very possibly be a rather uncomfortable outbreak of hives. Hope you all have a lovely weekend. xx

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