Saturday, 22 September 2012

Lumps and Bumps....

I'm sorry I didn't blog yesterday...the schedule was very full, and I also thought that my plans for the evening might be worth telling you about...
I spent the evening, in part, talking about lumps and bumps. But that is as flip as I can be about what was one of the most inspirational and humbling evenings I have EVER had.....
A mum at The Son's school, a lady I've not met before, organised an evening to raise awareness of breast cancer. She, herself, had fallen victim to this indescriminate disease and had somehow found the strength to share her experience.
With the idea of getting a group of women together, to form a quilting bee, in order to piece a quilt that could later be auctioned for cancer charities, Claire Booth achieved so very much more. Nail technicians were on hand ( no pun intended!) to give pretty manicures, delicious cakes and cuppas were in copious supply, raffle prizes that were actually worth winning tempted, and some lovely bits and pieces were for sale, and of course, squares and squares of fabric waited patiently to be stitched together, by some very eager fingers.
The hall was packed. We stitched. We ate and drank. We chatted. We were pampered. But above all, we listened to Claire's story. Without drama, without hystrionics, she told her story simply and truthfully. You could have heard a pin drop, and I truly thought I might have to leave the hall.......I am not a quiet crier.
But not for one moment, in the whole 3 hours, was there a negative vibe. It was fun, positive and above all informative.
At the end of the evening, we were given goody bags, which contained relevant leaflets about how to check yourself for those horrible lumps and bumps, and how to deal with what you might find. The bags also contained little cushions, that Claire had made herself. She asked that we hang these on the back of bathroom doors, in wardrobes...anywhere that would remind us to be aware.
Claire also asked that we spread the word to our loved ones, to others that our lives might touch. This is my way of trying to spead the message of this strong lady. I'm so happy that I paid my £5, and went along. So humbled by what I heard. So thankful that Claire is well and truly on the mend.
Claire Booth can be contacted at xx

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