Tuesday 28 May 2013

A Vendetta Against Emma Bridgewater??

Once upon a few years ago, I lived on my own with my three children.......and I possessed three pieces of Emma Bridgewater china. Then I met The Partner....and the rest, as they say, is history. And in the case of Emma.....quite literally.
The first victim was a lovely dish, with ducklings on it, that came out at Eastertime, to be filled with Easter Egg Goodies. The Partner washed it up and put it back in the cupboard. Badly. The next time the cupboard was opened, out shot Duckling Dish to meet a rather nasty end on the kitchen floor. I was understanding.
The next casulty was my Emma Bridgewater Storm Lantern. The Partner and The Son were playing football in the lounge (hmmmmm) while I was houseworking elsewhere. I heard the crash and came racing down the stairs, only to find Emma in bits beside a ball, and The Partner and The Son pointing at each other, like something out of a Laurel and Hardy sketch. Without much humour. Words were said.
And last night, my special Emma Bridgewater limited edition bowl, that I'd saved a gazillion yoghurt tops for, was dropped on the way to the washing up bowl. I intended to be a grown up about it.....until The Partner's flip comment " Well that's one less to wash up!"......I mean, REALLY????
If he didn't like Emma, all he had to do was say so. They could have been wrapped up and put away for special occasions.....or something......

Bye bye Emma...it was nice knowing you. xx

1 comment:

  1. So sad - but a great excuse to go out and buy some replacements! jxo
