Thursday 21 March 2013

Flippin' Football.....

Is there NEVER any end to it? If EVER proof were needed that there is little, or no, equality in my life (I can feel melodrama brewing nicely), then football is it.
My living room (a SERIOUSLY "bijou" space) is regularly turned into a football pitch. And by "regularly", I mean "morning, noon and night". I spend 5 hours a week on various side-lines, cheering on The Son. Well ok, sometimes I just stand there, in non-cheering mode, and sometimes I go off in search of a cup of Earl Grey. I organise our local Under 9's football team.....and if ever there was a Thankless Task List, this would be at the top of it. (Hard lesson to learn: you can't keep everyone happy. Least of all The Coach, who also happens to be The Partner.)
 And then, THEN ( allow mild hysteria to creep into your voice when reading this bit) just when I was looking forward to some hand sewing, vegging on the sofa, in front of the TV, after a particularly busy day, I'm informed that The Partner and The Son will be watching the Italy v Brazil game. Neither of them are Italian. Nor Brazilian. And apparently it's "only a friendly". No "Is it ok"'s? No "Do you mind"'s?.......Let me go and find my pinny, and tie myself to the kitchen sink......
On a happier note, progress is being made....

...and the Doll Quilt is almost completely hand quilted. Looking good for being ready for the posting deadline.
Thanks for popping by, and listening to me moan. xx

1 comment:

  1. Moan away Kirstie! I actually have 2 goalposts in my kitchen! ha
